The Ford Mustang LAE has some beautiful design lines. A KW automotive (Variante 1) Suspension in addition with 21inch MOTEC Wheels and Continental tires plus SCC Fahrzeugtechnik spacers and strut bars by RIFF Automotive Group give the car a perfect stance and some great grip. The huge stock Brembo brakes were painted in bright red paint by FOLIATEC and got the white Brand-Logo back.
Finally the car got cleaned and an (in Germany) important TUeV inspection (approved).
#Ford #FordMustang #Mustang #MustangLAE #KWsuspension #KWautomotive #CoilOver #21inch #21inchWheels #MOTECwheels #Continental #ContinentalTires #SCC #Spurverbreiterung #SCCFahrzeugtechnik #Spacers #RIFFautomotive #BREMBO #BREMBObrakes #CaliperPaint #FoliaTec #WestBerlinCustoms #WBCnews #Tuning #CustomShop #Stance
Ort der Aufnahme: West-Berlin-Customs
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